Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Meet the Minoans

While Crete was still under Turkish rule, chance finds of very old ruins and artifacts triggered suspicion among the archeological explorers that something ‘other’, and much older, had existed on Crete. The Sultan granted exploration privileges and the store rooms of Knossos were discovered a short time later. 30 later scholars concluded they were looking at an unknown civilization.

It was not until the 1960’s that another archeologist was able to map out the extent and extreme antiquity and longevity of this civilization. It appears the Minoans arrived about 2600 BCE, but from where is unknown. They were seafarers, skilled ship builders, metal workers and traders.  Similar mysterious appearances occurred in other places such as Ireland. They all appear to have shared a sun worshipping faith.

The double headed bronze axe was a common element of the Minoans. It is featured on many artifacts.
Periodic widespread devastations [earthquakes?] occurred each few hundred years followed by new construction. These renewals provide the layers or periods of the Minoans. The cities remained unfortified throughout, which is characteristic of the overall Bronze Age, and appears to have been relatively war-free.

The Phaestos Disc [named after the ruins it was found in] is an example of the Minoan written language known as Linear A, a written language yet to be deciphered. 
I am looking forward to my visit to these sites in the days ahead. 

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